Man AHL.
One of the longest running systematic managers.

Technology-empowered active investment management focused on delivering performance and client portfolio solutions.

Man AHL.
One of the longest running systematic managers.

Who we are

Man AHL is a team of researchers, developers and traders of systematic investment strategies. We apply scientific rigour and robust technology to diverse collections of data and hundreds of global markets. Through our innovative and collaborative culture, we aim to generate returns for our clients across a range of diversified products.



Contact Us



AHL Partners LLP
Riverbank House
2 Swan Lane
London, EC4R 3AD
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7144 1000


AHL Partners LLP
Man Research Laboratory
Eagle House, Walton Well Road
Oxford, OX2 6ED
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7144 1000

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