ESG Investing - Luck Versus Skill? Duke University's Campbell R. Harvey Discusses - RI Podcast

Jason Mitchell discusses luck versus skill in ESG investing with Duke University Professor Campbell R. Harvey.

ESG Investing - Luck Versus Skill? Duke University's Campbell R. Harvey Discusses

Is ESG investment performance one of luck or skill? Listen to Jason Mitchell discuss with Campbell R. Harvey, Professor of Finance at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, why purported claims around ESG performance are perhaps misguided, how the academic world is grappling with statistical evidence, and what makes a systemic risk like climate change so compelling for future research.

The podcast is hosted by Man Group’s Co-Head of Responsible Investment Jason Mitchell.


Recording date: 06.01.2021


Campbell R. Harvey

Campbell R. Harvey is Professor of Finance at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He’s a Fellow of the American Finance Association, serving as its President in 2016. Cam received the 2016 and 2015 Best Paper Awards from The Journal of Portfolio Management for his research on distinguishing luck from skill. From 2006 to 2012, he edited the Journal of Finance – the leading scientific journal in his field and one of the premier journals in the economic profession. Cam serves as an investment strategy advisor to Man Group. In January 2021, he was named “Quant of the Year” by the Journal of Portfolio Management for his outstanding contributions to the field of quantitative portfolio theory.

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