GLG Innovation Equity

GLG Innovation Equity (the ‘Strategy’) employs a disciplined, long-short approach to investing in liquid US equities.
  • Managed by a seasoned portfolio management team who have worked together for 15+ years
  • The investment team is led by Mike Corcell who has over 22 years’ experience in US equity fund management and a 16 year track record in US equity/long short investing
  • The team employ a disciplined investment process that focuses on three key areas when assessing stocks: investment cycles, change themes and secular winners/losers
  • A pragmatic approach to risk management and highly active exposure management is a key principal of the team’s approach to mitigating risk
  • The short book is designed for alpha generation - not for hedging


The team focus on analysing three key factors when looking to invest in stocks on either side of the book:

Investment cycles. The team analyses each position within the context of capital, business and credit cycles and the sustainability of current trends within companies and industries.

Change themes. Aims to monetise either change or sustainability when it is not correctly priced by investors. The team look to profit from a security’s mispricing – which is typically created when investors do not accurately understand change or sustainability in an industry or company’s business model.

Secular winners and losers. In the long book the team seek to identify companies/sectors with sustainable above trend growth and barriers to entry. In the short book the team look to identify companies and sectors with growth challenges and declining returns.

The stock selection philosophy is a core part of a highly disciplined investment process that Mike Corcell has developed over 16 years. Research is strictly limited to those companies where the business model can be clearly modelled and understood and the team does not invest in credit related financials, pharmaceuticals or bio-technology stocks.

The portfolio is typically comprised of between 50-60 mid to large cap stocks and the team does not seek to invest in small caps, futures or indeed any derivative or basket product other than options. Furthermore, the short book is always made up of stock positions which actively seek to add value rather than dissipate or hedge risk.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Returns may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations.

Approach Alternative
Asset Class Equity
Geographic Focus Global