The Case for Going Tobacco-free

Dr Rachel Melsom on why engagement with the tobacco industry may be futile, due to its negative health and social repercussions.

Dr Rachel Melsom describes why investor engagement with the tobacco industry, relative for instance to the fossil fuel industry, is futile because of its negative health and social repercussions. She also explains why international policy momentum – the WHO Tobacco Convention, the UN Global Compact Statement and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals – provide a framework to understand the broader socio-economic implications of tobacco, and the momentum behind recent investor announcements to go tobacco-free.


Recording date: 14 Dec 2017


Dr Rachel Melsom

Dr Rachel Melsom is Director of Tobacco Free Portfolios for the UK and Europe, and a practicing Doctor. Tobacco Free Portfolios focuses on the medical and societal cost of continued investment in the Tobacco Industry, addressing the effect of the product and the wider cost of smoking to society, encouraging Tobacco Free Investment. Rachel also works part time in the Department of Medicine for the Elderly (DoME) at Worthing Hospital in Sussex.

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